Artigos e Comunicações em Congressos Internacionais

  • Azevedo R., Abade E., Teixeira N., Carvalho A., Sá M.M. (2019) Postural Instability During Obstacle Crossing While Performing Manual Material Construction Handling Tasks. In: Arezes P. et al. (eds) Occupational and Environmental Safety and Health. Studies in Systems, Decision and Control, (pp 375-382) vol 202. Springer, Cham. International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene – SHO 2019. 15 e 16 Abril Guimarães. 
  • Roriz, P., Figueiras, T., Cunha, P., Sá, M. M., Vilas-Boas, M., & Azevedo, R. (2019, Fevereiro). O21. Load: too much or too little?  CIDESD 1-2 fevereiro. ISMAI 
  • Mota, M. (2019). Material concepts grounding the dimensions of business sustainability - The case of European electric utilities . Book of proceedings of 4th ICEE – 4th International Conference on Energy & Environment: bringing together Economics and Engineering, Universidade do Minho 
  • Martins, António; Mota, Marta; Mata. Teresa; Caetano, Nídia  (2019) "Evaluation of decentralized energy storage within portuguese context" Participação na 4th Annual APEEN 2019 - Energy demand-side management and electricity markets.
  • Sousa, D.; Sá, M. M.; Azevedo, R.; Machado, O.; Tavares, J.; Monteiro, R.  (2018) Exposure to Psychosocial risks in footwear industry workers. In Arezes, P.M.; Baptista, J.S.; Barroso, M.P.; Carneiro, P.; 
  • Cordeiro, P.; Costa, N.; Melo, R.B.; Miguel, A.S.; Perestrelo, G. (Eds), Ocupational Safety and Hygiene VI 6th International Symposium on Occupational Safety and Hygiene l(pp 231-234). Taylor & Francis Group: London, ISBN 978-1-138-54203-7. 
  • Delgado, P., Oliveira, J., Carvalho, J. M. S., Correia, F., & Campos, P. (2018). O papel da família no bem-estar subjetivo das crianças. In Universitat de les Illes Balears (eds.), Libro de Resúmenes del Congresso Internacional – XXXI Seminario Interuniversitario de Pedagogía Social: "Pedagogía social, investigación y familias" (pp. 18-21). Palma de Maiorca – Espanha. 
  • Delgado, P., Alexandre, J., Oliveira, J., Carvalho, H., & Carvalho, J. M. S. (2018). O papel do ócio no bem-estar das crianças. In Universitat de les Illes Balears (eds.), Libro de Resúmenes del Congresso Internacional – XXXI Seminario Interuniversitario de Pedagogía Social: "Pedagogía social, investigación y familias" (pp. 46-49). Palma de Maiorca – Espanha. 
  • Marnoto, S., & Carvalho, J. M. S. (2018). Entrepreneurial skills in the context of sports entrepreneurship education. In Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Entrepreneurship Education CEE'18 (pp. 241-256). Porto, Portugal. ISBN: 978-989-95853-6-2

  • Delgado, P., Pinto, V., Carvalho, J. M. S., & Oliveira, J. (2017). O contacto no acolhimento familiar. O que pensam as famílias de acolhimento e de origem e quais os desafios que se colocam para o desenvolvimento da sua relação. In E. Lucio-Villegas, A. Camacho, D. Limón, M-A. Ballesteros-Moscosio, N. Melero, R. Valderrama, & M. Pablón (eds.), Libro de Actas y Resúmes del Congresso Internacional de Pedagogia Social "Pedagogia Social y Desarrollo Humano" (pp. 206-216). Sevilha – Espanha. ISBN: 978-84-933733-9-9 
  • Delgado, P., Pinto, V., Carvalho, J. M. S., & Oliveira, J. (2017). O contacto no acolhimento familiar. O que pensam as famílias de acolhimento e de origem e quais os desafios que se colocam para o desenvolvimento da sua relação. Congresso Internacional de Pedagogia Social – Pedagogia Social e Desarrollo Humano – XXX Seminario Internacional de Pedagogia Social. 8-10 November, Sevilla, Spain. In Book of Abstracts, pp. 142-143. 
  • Pinto, V., Carvalho, J. M. S., Delgado, P., & Fluke, J. (2017). Child Welfare Decision Making in Context Part 2 – In the best interest of the child: A comparative study between students and professionals' decision-making process in the child protection system. 15th ISPCAN European Regional Conference. 1-4 October, The Hague, Netherlands. 
  • Carvalho, J. M. S., Delgado, P., & Pinto, V. (2017). Reunification in foster care: what think professionals and students? The 9th International Foster Care Research Conference. 27-29 September, Université de Nanterre, Paris, France. 
  • Delgado, P., Carvalho, J. M. S., & Pinto, V. (2017). Family relations, contact and well-being in Portuguese Foster Care. The 9th International Foster Care Research Conference. 27-29 September, Université de Nanterre, Paris, France. 
  • Carvalho, J. M. S., Delgado, P., & Pinto, V. (2017). The hardest decision: reunification in foster care. Porto International Conference on Research in Education – ICRE17. 19-21 July, Instituto Politécnico do Porto. In Book of Abstracts, pp. 25-26. 
  • Delgado, P., Pinto, V., Carvalho, J. M. S. (2017). Risk Assessment and Decision in Child Care: a comparative study between students and professionals. 9th International Conference of the Faculty of Education and Rehabilitation Sciences University of Zagreb. 17-19 May, Zagreb, Croatia. In Book of Abstracts, pp. 159-160. 
  • Aquino, Thereza; Mota, Marta; Soares, Isabel (2017). "Chinese FDI in the European and Latin American Energy Sector - Governance dynamics and impacts on organizational performance". ICEE conference 2017. Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Porto. 
  • Mota, Marta; Soares, Isabel; Aquino, Thereza (2017). "European electricity utilities managing energy transition challenges". ICEE conference 2017. Faculdade de Economia da Universidade do Porto. 
  • Mota, Marta; Soares, Isabel; Aquino, Thereza (2017). "Financial crisis: Understanding effects on European electric utilities performance". ICEE conference 2017. Faculty of Economics, University of Porto. 
  • Alvarez, M. T., Seoane, M. J. F., Silva, C. O. (2017), The incomes of the young European Tertiary Graduates, 5th European User Conference for EU-Microdata, Mannheim.

  • Costa, R. V. & Santos, A. (2016): "Designing and Testing an Intellectual Capital Management Model in Practice", Presentation and Proceedings of the ECKM 2016 – 17th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Ulster University, Belfast, September 2016 (pp. 198-208; ISSN: 2048-8963); Indexed on the "Conference Proceedings Citation Index/Web of Science – ISI") 
  • Costa, R. V. & Fernandes, R. (2016): "Intellectual Capital and Firm Performance: Applying the VAIC Model to the Portuguese Stock Market Index", Presentation and Abstract Proceedings of the ACEDE 2016 – 26th Conference on Evolving Organizations and Individuals, Universidade de Vigo, Vigo, June 2016 (pp. 130, ISBN: 978-84-608-8798-0) 
  • Moutinho, P., Fernández, J. e Doiro M. (2016), "Academic Patenting: a Systematic Review of the Literature", Trabalho apresentado na 5th International Conference Integrity – Reliability – Failure, Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto, 24-26 julho, in Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Integrity, Reliability and Failure (ISBN: 978-989-98832-5-3). 
  • Alvarez, M. T., Seoane, M. J. F., Silva, C. O. (2016), The young self-employed tertiary graduates in Europe, XXV Jornadas de la Asociación de Economia de la Educación (AEDE), Badajoz. 
  • Costa, R. V. & Santos, A. (2016): "Designing and Testing an Intellectual Capital Management Model in Practice", Presentation and Proceedings of the ECKM 2016 – 17th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Ulster University, Belfast, September 2016 (pp. 198-208; ISSN: 2048-8963); Indexed on the "Conference Proceedings Citation Index/Web of Science – ISI") 
  • Costa, R. V. & Fernandes, R. (2016): "Intellectual Capital and Firm Performance: Applying the VAIC Model to the Portuguese Stock Market Index", Presentation and Abstract Proceedings of the ACEDE 2016 – 26th Conference on Evolving Organizations and Individuals, Universidade de Vigo, Vigo, June 2016 (pp. 130, ISBN: 978-84-608-8798-0) 
  • CARVALHO, João M. S., SOUSA, Célio (2016) How psychological value is seen by managers of social organisations. Conference "New Business Models - Exploring a changing view on organizing value creation". 16-17 June, Toulouse, France. In: Book of Abstracts, pp. 77-78. 
  • PINTO, Vânia, DELGADO, Paulo, CARVALHO, João M. S. (2016) Which is the contact influence on foster care outcomes? Foster carers and professionals' perspectives. 14th European Scientific Association on Residential & Family Care for Children and Adolescents (EUSARF) Conference. 13-16 September, Oviedo – Spain. In: Book of Abstracts, p. 444. Asociación NIERU (Oviedo, Spain). Digital edition. ISBN: 978-84-617-4162-5 
  • CARVALHO, João M. S., DELGADO, Paulo, BENBENISHTY, Rami, DAVIDSON-ARAD, Bilha, PINTO, Vânia (2016) Judgments and Decisions in Foster Care – The Professionals at Stake. 14th European Scientific Association on Residential & Family Care for Children and Adolescents (EUSARF) Conference. 13-16 September, Oviedo – Spain. In: Book of Abstracts, p. 540. Asociación NIERU (Oviedo, Spain). Digital edition. ISBN: 978-84-617-4162-5. 
  • MARNOTO, Sandra, CARVALHO, João M. S. (2016) Developing Entrepreneurship Skills in Children and Teenagers. 6th International Conference on Entrepreneurial Learning – Challenges and perspectives in education for entrepreneurship. 27 October, Zagreb – Hotel Antunović – Croatia. In: Book of Abstracts, pp. 48-49. ISSN: 1849-8310. 
  • CARVALHO, João M. S.; MARNOTO, Sandra (2016) The 8P Innovation & Differentiation Model. 6th International Conference on Entrepreneurial Learning – Challenges and perspectives in education for entrepreneurship. 27 October, Zagreb – Hotel Antunović – Croatia. In: Book of Abstracts, pp. 16-17. ISSN: 1849-8310 
  • PINTO, Alberto. Design-Build Courses in Systems Eng. Program. CDIO FALL MEETING – ISEP, PORTO. 15/16/17 E 18 DE NOVEMBRO DE 2016. 
  • Cayolla, R., Fetscherin, M., Duarte, C. & Castelo Branco, M. (2016) The Neural aspects of Brand Love. EMAC 2016 Conference: Marketing in the age of data. May 24-27, 2016, Oslo, Norway.


  • CARVALHO, João M. S., SOUSA, Célio (2015) Social entrepreneurship, sustainability, and tetrad-value theory. Global Cleaner Production and Sustainable Consumption Conference 2015. 1-4 November, Sitges, Spain. Book of Abstracts, WS-32-02. 
  • CARVALHO, João M. S., DELGADO, Paulo, PINTO, Vânia (2015) How students evaluate and decide in child abuse situations, and the need to study criteria for removal and conditions for reunification. 8th International Foster Care Research Conference. 17-18 September, Siegen – Germany. 
  • DELGADO, Paulo, CARVALHO, João M. S., PINTO, Vânia (2015) What diversity means for contact in foster care? 8th International Foster Care Research Conference. 17-18 September, Siegen – Germany. 
  • CARVALHO, João M. S., SOUSA, Célio (2015) What's New in New Business Models? Profit and non-profit cases from Portugal. 2ND International Research Seminar Chair Pierre Fermat. 27-28 April, Toulouse - France. 
  • Sousa, C.A.A. & Hendriks, P.H.J (2015) On becoming 'one of them': identity, knowledge, quality and efficacy in healthcare professionals. 9th Dutch HRM-Network International Conference: 'Recontextualizing HRM'. University of Utrecht, the Netherlands. 12-13th November. 
  • PINTO, João Paulo (2015) After Action Report - How to support continuous improvement. Fifth International Conference on BUSINESS SUSTAINABILITY, 18-20 novembro. Póvoa do Varzim.


  • COSTA, Ricardo V. & Ramos, A. P. (2014) Designing and testing an AHP methodology to prioritize critical IC elements for product innovation. Proceedings of the ECKM 2014 Conference – 15th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Santarém School of Management and Technology, Santarém, September 2014. 
  • DELGADO, Paulo, PINTO, Vânia, CARVALHO, João M.S. (2014) Possibilidades e Dilemas do Contacto das Crianças e Jovens com a Família de Origem no Acolhimento Familiar. In: Libro de Actas del Simposio "Construir Futuros em Tiempo de Crisis: Nuevas Perspectivas en la Formación de los Jóvenes". Madrid-Espanha, p. 22. ISBN: 978-84-697-1935-0.telef 
  • MARQUES DOS SANTOS, José P., Moutinho, L., & Castelo-Branco, M. (2014). 'Mind reading': hitting cognition by using ANNs to analyze fMRI data in a paradigm exempted from motor responses. International Workshop on Artificial Neural Networks and Intelligent Information Processing (ANNIIP 2014). doi: 10.5220/0005126400450052 
  • OLIVEIRA, M. Alberta & Santos, C. (2014): "Sovereign CDS Contagion in the European Union: A Multivariate GARCH in variables Analysis of Volatility Spill Overs", Proceedings of the 27th International Business Research Conference, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada ISBN 978-1-922069-53-5. 
  • BERTÃO, Ana, DELGADO, Paulo, CARVALHO, João M.S., PINTO, Vânia (2014) The contact in foster care of children and young people. A current evaluation. V Congresso Internacional de Psicologia da Criança e Adolescente - Comunicação e Intervenção. 2-3 de abril - Universidade Lusíada de Lisboa - Portugal. 
  • CARVALHO VIEIRA, J.M., Camacho, Amparo & Garcia, Enrique. (2014) "Shared Knowledge Triangle impact on European SME.s Innovation Smart Capabilities: insights from an international exploratory research". International Forum "S2B - SCIENCE TO BUSINESS: RESEARCH, KNOWLEDGE, INNOVATIONS". SMK University of Applied Social Sciences, Klaipėda, Lithuania, 19-20th November. 
  • CARVALHO, João M.S. (2014) Advanced Business Creation Model (ABCM). 4th International Research Seminar: Exploring Sustainability: Fostering Sustainable Entrepreneurship in Europe. 22-23 outubro, Maia – Auditório do ISMAI – Portugal. 
  • COSTA, Ricardo V. & Ramos, A. P. (2014) Designing and testing an AHP methodology to prioritize critical IC elements for product innovation. Proceedings of the ECKM 2014 Conference – 15th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Santarém School of Management and Technology, Santarém, September 2014. 
  • DELGADO, Paulo, LÓPEZ, Mónica, CARVALHO,João M.S., VALLEREBELO, Jorge F. del (2014) Family foster care in Southern European countries. A comparative research on foster care perception of satisfaction in Portugal and Spain. 13th European Scientific Association on Residential & Family Care for Children and Adolescents (EUSARF) Conference. 2-5 setembro, Copenhaga – Dinamarca. In: Book of Abstracts, p. 200. 
  • DELGADO, Paulo, PINTO, Vânia, CARVALHO, João M.S. (2014) Possibilidades e Dilemas do Contacto das Crianças e Jovens com a Família de Origem no Acolhimento Familiar. Simpósio "Construir Futuros em Tiempos de Crisis: Nuevas Perspectivas en la Formación de los Jóvenes". 11-12 dezembro, Madrid – UNED – Espanha. 
  • DELGADO, Paulo, PINTO, Vânia, CARVALHO, João M.S., MARTINS, Teresa (2014) A Permanência no Acolhimento Familiar. Uma resposta para as crianças e jovens em perigo, um desafio para a sustentabilidade social. XXVII Seminário Interuniversitário de Pedagogia Social "Pedagogia/Educação Social - Teorias & Práticas". 17-19 setembro, Porto – Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico do Porto – Portugal. 
  • OLIVEIRA, M. Alberta & Santos, C. (2014): "Sovereign CDS Contagion in the European Union: A Multivariate GARCH in variables Analysis of Volatility Spill Overs", Proceedings of the 27th International Business Research Conference, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada ISBN 978-1-922069-53-5. 
  • PINTO, João P. (2014) Lean Coaching. 4th International Conference on Business Sustainability: Management, Technology and Learning for Individuals, Organisations and Society in Turbulent Environments. November 5-7, Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal. 
  • PINTO, Vânia, DELGADO, Paulo, CARVALHO, João M.S. (2014) Contact in Foster Care in Porto: A study about patterns and outcomes. 13th European Scientific Association on Residential & Family Care for Children and Adolescents (EUSARF) Conference. 2-5 setembro, Copenhaga – Dinamarca. In: Book of Abstracts, p. 266. 
  • SOUSA, Alexandra, VIEIRA, Isabel, DELGADO, Paulo, CARVALHO, João M.S. (2014) Contacto no Acolhimento Familiar: A Perspetiva dos Acolhedores. Congresso Nacional Direitos das Crianças, integrado no VI Congreso Mundial por los Derechos de la Infancia y la Adolescencia, México. 25-26 setembro, Braga – Escola de Direito, Universidade do Minho – Portugal. In: Book of Abstracts, pp. 19-20.


  • CARVALHO, João M.S.,SOUSA, Célio A.A., Silva, A., Silva, N. & Novo, E. (2013) New business models: Portuguese cases. New Business Models Across Europe Conference. 14 June, Radboud University Nijmegen, the Netherlands. 
  • CARVALHO, João M.S. (2013) Is there a need of new models of creating startups? 3rd International Conference on Entrepreneurial Learning, 2-3 October, Zagreb, Croatia. 
  • CARVALHO, João M.S.; Delgado, P. & Pinto, V. (2013) Evolution of foster care in Portugal: Perspectives of foster children and carers. 7thInternational Foster Care Network Meeting. 9-11 September, Pádua, Itália. 
  • CARVALHO, João M. S. (2013) Teaching entrepreneurship: Conceiving an abortive university course. 3rd International Conference on Entrepreneurial Learning. 2-3 October 2013. Zagreb – Croácia.


  • CARVALHO, João M.S. (2012) COSI – Core Organizational Stakeholder Impact: An assessment model. 2nd International Research Seminar Exploring sustainability: The basis for new entrepreneurship approaches. 23rd November, Auditório do Tecmaia, Parque de Ciência e Tecnologia da Maia – Portugal. 
  • CARVALHO, João M.S. (2012) Envelhecimento e sustentabilidade da sociedade. Congresso Internacional do Envelhecimento, Taguspark, Oeiras, 8-9 de junho. 
  • CARVALHO-VIEIRA, José M. (2012) Collaborative innovation: The right project through the right process: Insights from Portuguese innovative SME's. 2nd International Research Seminar Exploring Sustainability: The basis for new entrepreneurship approaches. ISMAI/TECMAIA, Maia, 23rd November. 
  • CARVALHO-VIEIRA, José M. (2012). Choose the right project or do the project right: how can VOC balance this innovation dilemma. 2nd European Market and Innovation Centers International Conference (EMIC) "Community dynamics and new marketing". FEEM Fondazione ENI Enrico Mattei, Milan, 24th May. 
  • CARVALHO-VIEIRA, José M. (2012). How can the knowledge triangle improve the level of employability of graduates? Erasmus Coordinators Meeting Selection. Management Centre Europe, Brussels, December, 10-11. 
  • COSTA, Ricardo V., Figueroa, P. & Fernández-Jardón, C. (2012) The influence of intellectual capital on product innovation performance at innovative SMEs: An empirical analysis. Performance Management Association (PMA) 2012 Conference: "From Strategy to Delivery", University of Cambridge, UK, 11-13 July. 
  • Delgado, P.; CARVALHO, João M.S. & Pinto, V. (2013) Foster care in Portugal. Present evidence, challenges for the future. 7th International Foster Care Network Meeting. 9-11 September, Pádua, Itália. 
  • Delgado, P. & CARVALHO, João M.S. (2012) O percurso escolar das crianças em acolhimento familiar: um desafio para a Pedagogia Social. XXV Seminário Interuniversitário de Pedagogia Social, Talavera de la Reina, Espanha, 29-30 de novembro. 
  • Delgado, Paulo & CARVALHO, João M.S. (2012) Tendencias y resultados de lo acogimiento familiar en Portugal. XI Congresso Internacional de Infância Maltratada, 19 de outubro, Oviedo, Espanha.

  • Dorrego, P.F., COSTA, Ricardo & Fernández-Jardón, C. (2013) The Influence of relational capital on product innovation performance at innovative SMEs. 5th European Conference on Intellectual Capital. University of the Basque Country, Bilbao, April. 
  • Hendriks, Paul H.J. & SOUSA, Célio A.A. (2012) Practices of management knowing in university research management. 11th World Congress of the International Federation of Scholarly Associations of Management (IFSAM): Management re-imagined: Ethno theory for a global era. University of Limerick, Ireland: 26th-29th June. 
  • MARNOTO, Sandra (2012) No format franchising: A new form of entrepreneurship and sustainable growth. 2nd International Research Seminar Exploring Sustainability: The basis for new entrepreneurship approaches. ISMAI/TECMAIA, Maia, 23 novembro. 
  • OLIVEIRA, Maria A. & Santos, C. (2013) An overlapping generations model of the savings rate decline: The case of Portugal. World Business and Social Science Research Conference, Bangkok, Thailand, 24 e 25 de outubro. 
  • OLIVEIRA, Maria A. (2013) Turismo, governança e competitividade: Uma análise sistémica, III Conferência Internacional de Turismo: Intertur 2013. ISMAI, Maia, 21 e 22 de Novembro. 
  • PINTO, João P. & Lucas, C. (2013) Lean services and Kanban: A flow management tool in services process. 3rd International Conference on Business Sustainability 2013 – Management, Technology and Learning for Individuals, Organisations and Society in Turbulent Environments. Póvoa de Varzim, 20-22 November. 
  • REIS, JOSÉ L. & Carvalho, J. (2013) Aspects that contribute to the success of personalized Web applications. World CIST'13 Congress, Olhão, 26-29 de Março. 
  • SOUSA, Célio A.A. & Poutsma, E.F. (2013) It takes (at least) two to tango: Connecting entrepreneurial behaviour to happiness research. 10th European Conference of the International Labour and Employment Relations Association (ILERA) Imagining New Employment Relations and New Solidarities. University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands, 20th-22nd June.

  • OLIVEIRA, Maria A., Coelho, J. & Santos, C. (2012) Funding strategies for Portuguese publicly owned museums: A dynamic panel data analysis. IV Workshop in Cultural Economics and Management, Universidade do País Basco, Bilbao, Espanha, 29-30 de novembro. 
  • OLIVEIRA, Maria A., Coelho, J. & Santos, C. (2012) The budgeting of Portuguese public museums: A dynamic panel data analysis". World Business and Economics Research Conference, Auckland, New Zealand. 
  • SOUSA, Célio A.A. (2012) Who cares and why? An essay on the economics of happiness and entrepreneurial motivations. 2nd International Research Seminar Exploring Sustainability: The basis for new entrepreneurship approaches ISMAI/TECMAIA, Maia, 23 novembro.